According to What Color is Your Parachute?, networking has an 86% success rate – 12 times higher than the success rate for distributing resumes blindly.  Ask your family, friends, professors, neighbors, upperclassmen, graduate students or TA’s for connections in your field. Start by asking yourself: Who do I know who may know someone in my field? Perhaps that German graduate student who helps in your lab may have previously worked in Germany, where you are currently looking to intern abroad.  Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for advice or connections.

GT Alumni Directory

There are GT Alumni in over 30 countries.  If you are interested in learning more about working in a particular country, reach out to a fellow Yellow Jacket! Many networks even offer programming for alumni in the area, which you may like to attend once abroad.

Bi-National Chambers of Commerce in Atlanta

Take advantage of Atlanta’s diversity!  Locally, there are 30+ Bi-National Chambers of Commerce based in the Atlanta area.  These organizations promote the business interests of their countries in the Southeastern United States, but also remain connected to businesses in their home countries.  They often know about interesting opportunities and can give you cultural tips on resumes and interviews.

*Students interested in interning in France can contact the French-American Chamber of Commerce. This Chamber will edit your resume to match French style and submit it to an internal database of company partners. This service costs $50 and is most useful six months prior to your intended  start date.

Consular & Trade Offices in Atlanta

Atlanta has consular and trade offices from 40+ countries. These offices represent the national economic interests abroad and can be a great resource for students interested in interning in a particular country. 

World Trade Center Atlanta 

Pay attention to the upcoming networking events and expos that are hosted by the World Trade Center Atlanta. Many events are hosted by international companies.

Company Information Research Tool

If you are looking to learn about industry trends or gather background information on a particular company abroad, you can use this company information research tool.